Larry- Thank you, and I'm sorry that you have witnessed that as a father. I still haven't talked with my own dad about what happened, I can't say when I'll be ready for that (though my mom knows --...
Hi SC, I feel like I have given a bad impression of how the school handles situations of abuse, and that isn't the case (sorry for not clarifying). I started seeing a therapist outisde of school over...
SB, Sorry to hear you're struggling with this. I have had similar muscle spasms as of late, it seems like it was triggered when I came off of Wellbutrin (for some reason my psychiatrist thought it...
Hi John, I completely relate to how you feel. I know how frustrating those anxious thoughts can be when they overcome rational thinking. I started on lexapro a couple years back and wasn't expecting...
Hi all, This is my first time posting here, or anywhere else for that matter. So please let me know if I should revise anything. A little background on me...I'm 22, a senior in college going for a...