I was on this site a couple months ago when I couldn't go to school and just needed somewhere where I could relate to people. I was put on Abilify last month because we didn't know what else to do...
Im a 16 year old guy who is normally outgoing and fun to be around. I'm usually the funny one in the group and all but since my parents got divorced in 2011 things have to rough for me. I've been on...
Thank you all so much...
The staff kinda knows about me and there is a counselor there but I don't have time at school to stop by plus she's not there all the time. Academics doesn't give me any anxiety just going to school...
Just to give you a brief background of me...I'm 16,male and live in US. I've had depression since 11 when my parents got divorced but Zoloft kept it under control well and only had sad periods every...
I'm only 16 but I can tell you I worry about my health sometimes. If I see flashes in my eyes or anything sometimes I wonder if I have a brain tumor...but in reality for you to have a serious...