Hi, I will be looking through the other posts when I have time but i am needing any help or advice as to who to go to for strategies to best support my 21 year old son. History - He has been...
Hi everyone I haven't been on for quite a while but thought i would let you know what is happening. My son didn't return to school for the rest of year 11 (over a month) and with the help from his...
Hi Been trying to get him help, but he is not wanting to talk, he has stopped talking to me. his mates mum keeps organising things with him without asking me and i am getting very annoyed as she even...
Thankyou for your advice Maggie I really appreciate it and now he is pretending he is fine and i know he is not. i have done some research and found a hospital with a child/teen program so am calling...
Hi to everyone who is out there, i am feeling really happy that so many people responded, it is a wonderful thing to know i am not alone and even if you are not in my position you are still there. My...
I have just joined, i have a 17 year old son who is suffering from depression and i am looking for advice, help and support. I have dealt with adult depression but am pretty much in the dark with...