I keep feeling like I quit breathing over and over Is that anxiety because doctor said my heart and lungs are fine...
I keep feeling like I quit breathing over and over im scared...
So the burping a lot is that an anxiety symtom and is it bad...
So my breathing is fine tho im not gonna die?...
Im thinking about therapy...
But my problem is not from the Paxil...
Doctor told me to...
I just increased my Paxil Tuesday from 20mg to 40mg scardy cat...
The breathing excercises make me feel weird with my breathing doctor and everyone says I am ok tho so what now...
The breathing excercises feel weird don't feel like there do anything...
Im really. Scared tho it feels like I quit breathing...
It just feels so bad im 21 im just scared that I'm gonna stop breathing feels like it it had felt like this for over a week...
Im just really scared im sorry...
Im just scared really scared...
Where are the excercises scardy cat can't find them...
So this is nothing but anxiety just to make things clear and it work hurt nor kill me correct ? Scardy cat...
F27 for like over a week...
So it's nothing bad at all...
Feels like my breaths cuts out every little bit and I have to take a deep breath...
If there is nothing wrong with my heart or lungs then why do I feel this way iv been having trouble breathing and it feels like I quit sometimes that's all just from anxiety ?...
It just feels so bad...
Scaredy cat have you felt like you eere gonna quit breathing...
So it's just all down to anxiety ?...
So I will be ok?...
Thank you very much Cheri I keep thinking im gonna die from it guess I shouldent...
I really appreciate it bud...
Well thank you larry...
I feel the breathing thing all the time tho my doctors have checked me and said im healthy nothing wrong so I was just wandering...
So im gonna be alright then hibe?...
Do you feel like your gonna quit breathing...
Does anyone else on here have trouble breathing and focussing on your breathing from anxiety...