Hi Betsy, I get the same thing, the 'worry' that something is wrong bounces from one illness to another, and funny thing is they are all catastrophic illnesses, not like minor scrapes and bruises,...
Hey Draegon, I've had the same experiences, weird head 'zaps', lightheadedness, dizzy, it happens sometimes as I begin to fall asleep, but it doesn't happen very often. Scaredy Cat is right, this...
We're not supposed to google our illnesses? How will I know what I have? J/K, I have had a terrible time with Doctor Google, he knows everything, yet nothing at all. Anxiety sucks....
Thanks Cat, I like the site, makes me feel like I'm not alone out there...Major Tom and all that...
Hey Draegon, just one other thing...don't be in such a rush to be a responsible adult, its all work, pay bills, and be responsible for everything around you...stay young, sleeping all day, stay 18,...
Hello Draegon. You're name sounds familiar, like 'Dragon', mine also, my first name is Atom, lol. I read your post, and I think you have understandable apprehensions and anxieties, the attempted...
I'm new here ( Hello Everyone)and I can definitely relate to Hermes555. I am 52, prior Army, Prior Police, Prior Normal Person. I now have PTSD & Anxiety Disorder (GAD), these come with physical...