i'm so sorry you're struggling with this! i know just how you feel. i'm almost twice your age and had the same symptoms, landed me in the er just a couple of weeks ago. they did all the tests, sent...
i'm so sorry you're going through this right now. how exhausting. the reason we get hiccups is our diaphragm muscle gets all twitchy which, because of its placement (just below the lungs), has a...
idk if this helps at all but i get vertigo from caffeine. i used to drink a lot of it in my teens and twenties. idk if i just had too much of it over the years and finally hit critical mass or what...
sometimes i also see things out of the corner of my eye. and, yeah, it's sometimes a side effect of stress. and sometimes, sure, it's a hallucination. sometimes, tho, it's just being a person....
this post could not have come at a better time for me. i was just starting to have some phantom pains in my chest and arm and, of course, my anxiety immediately shot up. i'm not totally sure what...
today has been great! psych nurse was fantastic. i told her all my concerns, my whole story and everything else, and she was really sympathetic and understanding. in the hour we had together, she...
man, is life looking different today. i'm so much more in control. it's amazing how a few hours of relief and a good night's sleep can almost serve as a complete personality adjustment. i feel a lot...
as they say, opinions are like a-holes and everybody's got one. there's a lot of information out there and some of it is right, some of it is straight wrong, but most of it is slanted towards the way...
thanks, sc. that puts things in perspective. it's remarkable what it can mean to know we're not alone. i don't think i fully understand it, i may never. but it somehow always works. i once read...
i'm in a similar place right now -- everything i feel is terrifying and i wonder if i'm about to die. my cat sat on my foot today and i was sure it was because he knew i was about to die in my sleep....
is it weird some of these meditation videos just make me cry? and cry and cry and cry... this mysterious connection between mind and body, i'm starting to think i just don't have it. maybe i never...
hey folks -- i really appreciate all your kind words and your posts and it is really good to know i'm not alone but, as i mentioned before, i have NO coping skills. i don't even know what that looks...
i haven't experienced exactly what you're talking about but sometimes, especially when my anxiety is high, i feel like i can't quite swallow. it's as if there's something at the very back of my...
today has been really hard. i tried all day not to take the ativan but gave in about an hour ago. i'm feeling its effects and, altho i don't like them, it's a little better than the alternative i...
well i can't get a therapist appointment until the 28th, turns out. i hope my doctor has something for me on tuesday. today has been up and down. my mom wants to take me to a movie tonight, just...
hey folks. so far today has been difficult but not the way yesterday was. when my doctor told me to go to the er, i knew she was just covering her ass but it just jacked everything up into overdrive...
hi larry -- as it happens, this is in no way the first day of any of this for me. i've been struggling with a lot of it for a long time. this particular manifestation is new to me but the ones around...
thanks, scaredy cat. that seems to be helping some. holding my cat helped a little, too -- his little angry-purr face is oddly soothing. i think i'm gonna try to get some sleep and see how i feel in...
thanks, i was hoping someone would say that. maybe by morning i'll feel better in general, better able to contact someone at a professional level. it's just, i'm struggling with the coping skills....
hey, thanks for responding, both of you. i understand your point of view, larry, and you're absolutely right -- if that was the case. in this case, it was either come clean or continue a half-truth...
so this is my first time here. i found it through google, i think. i don't even remember now. i'm sorry if i'm breaking any protocol -- i admit i read zero instructions or rules about what to do...