my whole family of 4 had covid in the beginning of december. thank good i did not have my health anxiety then, i don't know how i would have coped looking back. been on zoloft now for 2 weeks, dose...
hello everyone! coming back after awhile, this place was so helpful when i was dealing with my last bout of health anxiety 3 years ago! 2 weeks ago i had a bad relapse and my healthy anxiety was...
the lexapro seems to be working, as my daughter came home from school with a 103 fever and i didn't freak out! since my issue is health anxiety, this would have normally sent me into lots of panic,...
hope it's going well for you, i too switched from zoloft to lexapro and it's been 2 weeks now. night and day diff, have had no side effects from the lexapro and it's going really well for me!...
hello all. had an appointment with my p-doc today and it went well. she wants to taper me off my zoloft as it was doing nothing for me, and start me on lexapro. so starting tomorrow i will take 50 mg...
Good luck with everything tomorrow!...
I know easier said than done, but if your doctor says you are fine, try to trust them! Also it's not like you are feeling lumps or anything on your breasts are you? Maybe if you are still super...
That's the right way to think, you can only do what you can do! Here's to a productive day for you!...
In the ER with my son, again, at least this time he has gotten an IV and they are running blood tests on him. Day 4 of extreme diarrhea. I'm hanging in there, just want him feeling better!...
When I went to see a Therapist, she referred me to the p-doc upon my request because I want to change meds, but my 1st appointment with her isn't until monday....
thank you guys! yes he is eating plain toast and some pretzels, plus water and gatorade, but isn't it excessive to be having diarrhea EVER half hour for the WHOLE day? i'm not familiar with the...
Hope you are doing better in the morning!...
I thought we were doing much better yesterday but he's had 5 diarrhea bowel movements within a 2 hour span again this morning. Called his pediatrician and they said as long as he's not getting...
I was on and off Zoloft for 8 years and started taking it again for the past two months and never experienced those side effects. But I know everyone reacts differently and if you just started on the...
Thanks guys i appreciate the kind words!...
Just wanted to say you are not alone in your health anxiety! I hope you find the courage to get the u/s done and get some peace of mind!...
Awesome to hear that zoloft is working! Gives me hope too!...
Was fine all week but had a bad episode today with my son getting sick and me getting anxiety! Working through it best I can. Have an awesome trip!...
I'm sorry that you are suffering with the anxiety. I know plenty of ladies who have been called back for mammograms and more likely than not, it's been ok and no bad news. Hopefully you will get some...
Sometimes I feel like such a failure, like I can't even keep myself together through a minor illness of my kids! My biggest trigger is when my kids get sick, and my son always seems to have something...
anxiety still high, waiting for this zoloft to kick in.......
Thank you! I did start seeing a therapist last week, and will meet once a week with her. She also will get me an appointment with the psychiatrist and i will discuss my med options with them. yes,...
hello all! i'm new to this forum, but definitely not new to anxiety! been dealing with GAD for ten years now, specifically health anxiety. i happened to come across this forum and just want to thank...