I'm sort of where you are right now. I am not on meds but now trying to treat it holistically. I never had that experience with Lexapro but I did with Paxil. I know how damn frustrating this flipping...
I have Health Anxiety too. I have been where you are so many times. The first being when I was 10 and saw a bruise that didn't hurt. I had myself conviced that I had AIDS (the early 90's) and it was...
thanks for the responses and yes I've done lots and lots of talk therapy but have quit CBT before. I'm actually going to be starting with a new gal to start that again. I think I need to start...
I used to punish my husband for the neglet I received when we first got married and had our first child. He didn't cheat just checked out. Ultimately it was ME who had to decide to let it go. It took...
I'll try to keep this short and simple. I've had anxiety my entire life. I can remeber being this way at 5. My family wasn't super kind about it. My father suffers in silence as "bitching" is a...
Chronic Strength I totally am with you on medication. I've had anxiety as long as I can remember. Ages 19-33 I was medicated. Lexapro, Paxil prozac- I've tried them all. I have memory loss thanks to...
I'm kind of lucky in that I see my naturopath every 2 weeks for my neuro feedback appt (highly recommend) and he always lets me run through my latest crap. However, generally I suffer in silence. As...
My hypochondria is the absolute worst part of my panic issues. It comes and goes but I focus a lot on my heart and am convinced it'll be some sort of heart attack or blood clot will kill me...