So I am almost exactly 5 months post op. I'm back to eating about half the amount I used to, no reflux no matter what, so that's good... But my stomach hurts at some point almost every day. Two...
Thanks for the help. My Dr normally dismisses everything. I was just seeing if anyone else had similar issues or ever heard of this....
Sooo, can anybody with anxiety or medical knowledge, or a decent opinion give me their thoughts or advice? I'm about to have a nervous breakdown here....
Stick with it. Lexapro is definitely an effective drug. I had to get off it because honestly it was a boner killer, and did make me feel more emotionless. Like I couldn't even laugh as easily or...
So I'm aware this can be a stress response, I've had it for years, but the past few weeks my face and ears especially, have been feeling hot together or separate, all the time. Intermittently...
Thanks for the help guys. Yes I did get the okay to cutback on the meds. My BP has actually been great for almost a year now, however when I go to other doctors, they always say my heart rate is low...
So I have had a cardiologist since I was 22. I do have severe anxiety, and had an EP study in my mid 20's and a Holter monitor to rule out bad ayrithmias. All normal results. I get a yearly check up...
Thanks for your help guys/gals. I envy you for not caring about burping lol. It's just a function I would like to have. It was discussed with me prior to surgery too, but I was lead to believe there...
I already had surgery. How would that info in any way help me. Go away....
I'm 33, male. So far zero reflux which is great, but I cannot burp at all. I love beer and soda... They're out of the question. I'm about 12 weeks post op. I feel burping would help with the bloat I...
Thanks Sharon. That is a bit comforting to know that there is gas passing hope that isn't out of the back end lol. And I just hope I don't have the need to vomit anytime soon because that just sounds...
Mesh failing? What are you talking about? I think you had a different surgery....
So after looking up this surgery on the internet, all I see are negative and unreassuring posts from people. I will be completing week 8 this Thursday since I had mine done. I can't burp at all and...
Thanks for the help! You're probably just depriving yourself because there's no reason you can't have alcohol or carbonation that far in. Live a little! But thanks for that advice u guess I need to...
So today is the end of week 3 since surgery. I had a little diarrhea today (haven't been), and right now it feels like my stomach is burning inside on the bottom of my belly. What is this? Fyi I put...
I'm sorry... Gretchen I see you were diagnosed as well, i didn't mean to not acknowledge you as well as one of the people I hope I'm not offending lol. Take care!...
Hey guys. Thank you very much for taking the time to try and help me. I see you have actual MS snoopy, so I don't want to sound like I'm whining or anything since I may just have other issues...
So I'm 33, weigh 175 and am 5'11"... Not over weight but I'm also not in shape. I'm very sedentary and work a desk job, I hardly ever exercise except walking. I used to be very athletic up until...
I will just add, while I was/am skeptical and afraid of the nissen, I opted this over the linx and after several professional opinions and research. The thought of a fairly unproven method and...
To everyone that posted a reply to my question, I am beyond grateful and you're some awesome people . I don't even know any of you and you took the time to help me and it truly means a lot. I was...
I just had the surgery three days ago. From the start, drinking liquids seemed so make it get caught, a slight wrenching type pain, then either a small burp or bubbling sound. The funny thing is that...