it's ya girl- hypocondriac back at it again! so about a week ago i started throwing up. i was extremely nervous about the flight i was going to have back home from california, and threw up my...
hi everyone- so today is the day, that after six months of endless anxiety and my stress being at a constant 5, that i am opening up to medication. the question is obviously: why haven't you done it...
So after six months of watching my friend pass out after a dinner and develop that fear, I think I've come to question whether I have anxiety or a phobia. All my life, I've had phobias that go away...
hey guys, just checking in to this. i wanted to thank you all for the support!...
hi everyone! im back (its your girl, hypochondriac) and today i booked flights to see my dad over the upcoming christmas break. so as ive said before, i have this crazy fear of passing out, and...
I've posted here before, so I guess this is a check in. As said before, I have this huge fear of passing out, causing me to eat on the hour and drink multitudes of bottles of water a day. Recently, I...
hi SC! so basically it got better after a month- i was able to wear my hair down and wear sweaters outside and wasn't worried about overheating and i went a whole week not worrying about getting less...
hey guys! i've had anxiety all my life, but was diagnosed with GAD as of three months ago. it's a long story, really, but eventually it led me here and i'm hoping to talk to some people who...