Hey - it’s just there. I’ve had twins, sicknesses, COVID eveyehing I don’t know what it is. Just kind of a part of me now I guess! Will let you know if I find anything else out....
Hey! I also had a chest x Ray that was clear. My doc has no clue but put me on acid reflux pills thinking it may help. Just started them. Also I have a pulmonary function test in a few months to see...
Does anyone have any updates on this? I have it constantly and it’s really stressing me....
Hey there any update on this ?...
Anyone ever get an answer to this?...
Anyone else have any experience ?...
Hey everyone ! I noticed early last year I began to get this slight vibration gurgle noise when I’d get up from laying on my back usually laying not all the way on my back but upright a bit and when...
Hey! Did you ever figure out what this is? I have the same thing and I have newborn babies and when they lay on my chest and I’m on my back it’s the worst. Did your ct show anything ?...