Hi all I wasn’t sure where to post this but I was taking Propranolol 40mg daily for HBP and I always slept great thanks to my Mirtazipine. A few weeks ago my doctor bumped it up to 80mg and I’ve had...
I’ve never tried a heating pad but sometimes I’ll massage my chest and that sometimes helps. I can feel how sore my skin is in that area. I know what you mean about Mirtazipine making you want to eat...
So my PCP doesn’t think it’s my heart and doesn’t think that I need a cardiac CT. He thinks that it’s anxiety. He ordered an ultrasound of my gallbladder because that can cause chest pain and I was...
I see my GP tomorrow I’ll see what he says about having the test. Super nervous. I appreciate the responses....
To answer your last question I do but I think it’s just the unknown of whenever you feel a pain and that voice of doubt begins to say “what if something is really wrong?” I know that I don’t want to...
My stress and mental health issues really started about 5-6 years ago when I lost a series of jobs. Around the same time I began to develop multiple GI issues including GERD, gastroparesis, and...
I’ve had issues with anxiety/stress most of my life. I’m currently taking Klonopin and Mirtazipine for anxiety. The Mirtazipine helps the most. It helps me sleep most nights. My therapist agrees with...
Hi all. I’ve suffered from chronic chest pains for years but it’s only gotten worse lately. (The pandemic didn’t help) I’m 39 years old, no family history of heart problems, I’ve had multiple ER...