I just made a list of all the diagnosises that I have had recently... ( past 18 months) and this is what it came to: Anxiety, depression, Crypto, leaky gut, leaky brain, insulin resistance, pre...
I'd have no problem reposting this info in the parasites tread. I think its so important that all this information and my information be out there becuase If I did go though my chiropractor, Like I...
Hey everyone, Just updating my case. Turns out I dont have Lyme's diease after all.... I've got somthing that seems far worse but I think I'm just exagerating. lol. I have Cryptosperidium - A water...
I figured I'd get replies but not this fast. haha. I'm so glad you are here to talk. When I said many many doctors, over the past 2 years, I've seen 17 and still growing. I've been all over the state...
Hey everyone, I like many of you know the uncomfortable and very frustrating feeling of panic attacks and depression. I have been suffering with them for 2 years now and was perfectly healthy before...