Thanks for writing both times I wrote a message. I hope these books can help!...
I think these are wonderful books to read which have helped me with my anxiety, ocd, panic attacks and depression. HIS THOUGHTS TOWARDS ME BY MARIE CHAPAIN BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND BY JOYCE MEYERS...
Hi, my anxiety is worse at nights. I think the daytime and the light helps. I am on paxil and buspar as my doctor said anxiety can be hereditary and medicine helps. I think having a hobby at night is...
I have been on 12.5 paxil for 5 years so maybe it has been too long. I truly thank all of you for your responses....
Thank you for your reply. It helps so much to be reassured. Yes, the paxil is the new stuff but my doc said it was a starter dose so maybe I'll go up or wait for the buspar to kick in. Your reply...
Hi, I''m new to this. I guess I just need reassurance from anyone out there who may feel like me. I have had anxiety and OCD for years. They usually are under control but it seems when life gets...