I can totally relate to this post. My allergies have been bad lately too. My throat feels irritated and i focus on it and am afraid my throat is gonna close. This mostly happens at night. I have had...
Thank you so much for your help. I actually slept through the night last night for the first time in awhile. I am feeling better today. Now I gotta try and get through this darn hurricane. I have no...
So my anxiety has been acting up lately. I just started a new job and I have alot of stress in my life. Well tonight on my way home from work I got rear-ended. It actually wasn't too bad. My car...
So i've had a rash for a couple weeks now. I went to the dr and he thought it was some sort of allergy but the meds he gave me didnt help and he referred me to a dermatologist. After a few creams and...
Thank you to everyone for your kind words and encouragement. Sometimes I feel hopeless, like I am a prisoner to this disorder. I'm thankful that I've come this far and I know I'm alot stronger than I...
I can't believe I've had anxiety for 10yrs now. I'm 30....yikes. I haven't had a full blown attack in years though but the anixety is wrecking havoc on my life right now. I currently have no health...
I am 29 and for some reason tend to feel guilty and then my anxiety starts acting up and I feel so lost and disgusted with myself. I recently got intimate with a friend of mine. I feel like I've had...
I have had good results with Zoloft. I've been on 100mg for about a year now. I started out on Paxil around 9 years ago and it worked great but I went off of it due to major weight gain. I then tried...
Its seems like ever since I left my job at the end of may......my anxiety has been on the rise. I recently broke up with a guy who I dated for alittle less than a month and that is still weighing...
So I've had anxiety for about 9 yrs and its off and on. I broke up with my ex of almost 6yrs...almost a year ago. I've been dating off and on for months and have been having terrible luck meeting...
well I've been dealing with my anxiety for about 9 yrs now. I can't its been that long and I still havent conquered it. Well.....lately it has been acting up. I'm currently out of work and looking...
thank you for the words of support. Everytime my anxiety strikes back and I start feeling alone....this forum and the members here are always here to help me and give more words of encouragement. I...
I hate having anxiety. It seems to go away for a bit and then comes back. I'm so sick of worrying about silly things. I don't feel like I've learned how to properly deal with my anxiety. I just made...
So I've had anxiety for about[b] 8yrs now. I've finally got it until control with the right mix of meds. I haven't had a full blown panic attack in over 4 years and this scares the heck outta me. I...
thank you guys so much. Just coming to this forum helps so much. It makes me feel less lonely. Its such a relief to know that I'm not crazy and that others out there know where I'm coming from. I've...
I've been dealing with my anixety problems for over 7 years now. Everytime I have a flare up I can usually pinpoint where it coming. Whether its too much stress at work, I snuck some caffiene, or my...
no i broke up with him cause he couldn't commit to a future with me. He thinks all i wanted was a ring but just him saying that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me would have worked. He's...
i've been doing great lately. my anxiety has been gone and no depression. well i broke up with my bf of almost 6 years at the end of aug. I didn't think it was completely over cause he would call or...
thank you so much for you kind words of encouragement. I love this forum and all the wonderful people here. I know we all have our own battles but there is no way to find support like I can here. I...
hey all! i have written in over a week since i got back from vacation. I had a really good time on vacation. My anxiety wasn't too bad. I was really happy. Then the day after I came back I had jury...
Well my vacation is coming to a close. Part of can't be happier to be heading home. Overall I was amazed at how well my anxiety did. I'm still nervous about the ride home. My boyfriend and I fought...
dropfoot is something that can happen due to nerve damage. i work for neurologists. If the pred helps thats good but i would ask your dr if maybe he should see a neurologist or have an EMG...
I am a root canal expert unfortunately. When I was like 12 or 13 I had a root canal done in one of my front teeth and it was left open. I was not given cotten or anything to put in the hole. They...
I'm doing good all. Just alittle anxiety yesterday. My eyes are buggin me today. But I know in the long run this surgery was worth it. I was really proud of myself yesterday. We went on our friends...
Hey everyone. thank you so much for your kind words and support. The drive down was a little tough. The first hour or two I was debating on whether to tell my boyfriend that i wanted to turn around...
So I'm about to embark in my over 8hr journey. I don't know which to worry about more.....my anxiety or my recent eye surgery. So my boyfriend and I are driving about 8 hours to NC and I'm so...
I can totally relate to you. I'm leaving on tuesday for vacation. I'm worried about the over 8 hr drive. The place we are staying at is right near a beautiful lake also and every year I have a great...
It sounds like you made good progress. Don't be uspet with yourself about what you weren't able to do, but rather praise yourself for how far you did get. I will keep you in my prayers and think good...
I don't really have any friends. I do have a boyfriend who is very supportive. I will try to enjoy my time with my mom instead of worrying about the future. I try to live my life one day at a time...
I have realized that over the past few years with any bouts of anxiety I have depended on my mom to help me through it. I'm 27 and still live at home and I know its not healthy. My mom is always...
Thanks so much for your words of support and help. I know that reading things off the internet can only make things worse. This site helps so much. I get so worked up and instead of finding ways to...
i don't know what to do. I feel like I need someone to talk to but have no one to talk to. Why am I having these thoughts and feelings? Instead of feeling glad that I had surgery that can improve my...
I have a floater. And of all times, I noticed it when I was inpatient at a hospital because of my anxiety. I went to the eye dr as soon as i got out and he said it was fine and chances are it will...
My anxiety has been pretty good for the past few years. I just had lasik eye surgery on friday and after the procedure was done i had some anxiety because my eyes were blurry. I just kept thinking...
Its been over 7 years since i've been dealing with panic and anxiety. It didn't seem to bad when it first started. The last 2 panic attacks I had were 2 years apart. The 1st one was on my first plane...
I've been dealing with anxiety and depression for about 8 years now. I'm 27 and have been having a rough month. I'm currently on 100mg Zoloft and 1mg Klonpin. I was feeling great until I quit my job...
My panic has been good for the past few months and the only the that triggered it months ago was the switching to a new birth control pill. As soon as I stopped that pill and started a new one my...
I've been on cymbalta for alittle over a year and finally a doc realized it is not helping with my depression but keeps my anxiety under control. So I weaned off the cymbalta and as of tues was just...
My anxiety has changed form. When it started 6 years ago my biggest fear was dying. Now my biggest fear is going crazy. I'm not sure which is worse at this point. Anyway, my mind is constantly going...
Anyone here dealing with anxiety able to deal with it with benzos alone? I can't. I'm feeling really nervous cause I have another drs appt today. I've been on cymbalta for the past year and don't...
When my anxiety started up over a week ago I blamed it on hormones. So I changed the type of birth control I was on and my anxiety has been uncontrollable. Could the birth control be too blame? I...
6 years ago when my panic started I was afraid of dying. I would panic over every pain or strange feeling. But for the past 2 1/2 years its like my fear has changed. I'm deathly afraid of going...
It started with a migraine and I'm on the edge of having an attack. I haven't had one in 2 years. My legs are shaking. My stomach is upset. Help!!! Its this darn head ache that won't go away. What do...
I feel like I just keep falling and I have no strength to fight. I started out 6 years ago with anxiety but with the past year and half its been more depression. I don't know what sparked this latest...
I've been dealing with this roller coaster of anxiety for over 6 years now. This year I've been hit with some bad depression. And after years of trying different meds....I feel like giving up. I did...
So I've been on a few meds over the past couple years. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I was on paxil for 3 years and did great. but went off of it due to weight gain. Then I tried lexapro...