Anyone out there think that if you drink while on the first couple of weeks of Lexapro it may slow the time it will take effect in your body? I drink wine every night and i was just curious cause I...
I agree. I am going to try to stay away from the wine tonight...although I am going to my parents house and my mom loves her wine and its hard to dad is a recovering alcoholic though...
I am so happy to have found this site. I haven't gotten off of it in two days. Its so comforting. Thats a great idea about taking the ativan that way. Not too much longer with this job anyways as Im...
Every morning I wake up with anxiety and have to take 1 mg of adavin. Its always around 6 and I dont have to get up until 7 so I am restless for an hour...not a good way to start the day. Not to...
Hello I have recently had a three week bout with anxiety and panic much so that I had to quit my job. I went to my doctor who prescribed 20mg of Lexapro and to use the Ativan in the...