It is very hard to deal w/anxiety, and it does make you feel isolated. It is nice to be able to come here and write and interact w/others w/the same problems. Welcome!...
Thanks so much everyone for all the replies. Yes, it is nice to have a nice, safe, anonymous place to come to and post your questions, fears, etc. And I know I need, plus, I really do want, to find a...
JuneBug, Thank you so much for your reply. I have dealt w/anxiety my whole life....d/t childhood traumas. I don't like counselling because I have not yet had a good experience w/it and w/finding a...
Hi everyone, Well, I am ready to go back on meds for my anxiety...I had a really bad anxiety attack on the way to work yesterday, and it affected me all day. I hate the thought of being on meds, I...
Well, I went to my MD appt, and agreed, finally, to try Topamax for migraines, although I am in a "less than normal" migraine cycle now, but I've suffered w/them for 20 yrs, so I know how they cycle....
Thanks so much for your help....I have been looking at Celexa...I read something that stated Celexa and LexaPro are actually the "same" drug.....d/t a patent issue, Celexa and LexaPro use, basically,...
Hi everyone, I am so glad to have found this forum. What a great resource! Anyway....please help....which med for anxiety has the least side effect of weight gain? I have been on Paxil in the past,...