do u think i could have gotten hepatitis from this experience, im really worried, please respond to me....
do u think i could have hepatitis from that experience, srry im just really worried....
I had a couple of bad drinking nights last weekend prob about 15 drinks each night. Do you think I can have any liver problems from this short time or it would take a lot more drinking over a longer...
thanks, i usually dont drink that much, it was just a couple of days. Usually i just go out and get a buzz but this weekend was different and i was just worried...
ok i had a bad drinking and i have had nausea for the past few days, i tried drinking yesterday and couldn't keep it down. i was wondering if u could help me out and tell me whether its anxiety or...
can stress cause acne on the body because i read somewhere it can't?...
thank you, its just such a stressfull time, and i know many people go through the same thing as me, its just nice to be reassured...
I have been really stressed out about possibly having hiv even though it is highly unlikely because I had protected sex. Today I realized I have a few small raised red spot on my chest that kinda...
can stress cause nasal drip, physical sickness, and night sweats? What are other symptoms or what it can cause?...
like realli small red dots, i think i had them b4 but they went away after i stopped thinkin about what was stressin me...
i had several dots...
i got the same thing about a week ago, when i was really stressed, i don't know what the reason was either...
I have been very stressed lately, can back pain be related to this?...
Is it possible to have nausea when worrying about and HIV test, because I am worried about it, and i think it is what is causing me this nausea?...