ok well i used to post on here alll the time but i haven't had to in a while because i've been doing really well. but recently, there's been warnings of staph (MRSA) outbreaks that are untreatable,...
yeah .. it's worse under flourescent lights lol but i can't get away from it because that's all there is at school .. lol :( it only happens once in a while though, so that's good. :) thanks for your...
well the other day in school i was feeling like this. i felt like if i was not awake, or like. i was there but i wasn't there. if that makes sense lol. i just felt like i was outside of myself and...
i'm just wondering if anyone else on here has experiences with derealization/depersonilization, and if so, what does it feel like ?? i think this is what i'm experiencing, but i want to be sure !!...